"Ask not what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for others."
Today's post is dedicated to my many pondering thoughts, and this little girl here.
Most people may look at these photos and be questioning why this post wonder who she is- well her name is Everly Moua- she is my niece and she was diagnosed with Epilepsy.
She is the strongest child, I've ever laid eyes on. This little girl taught me what it meant to be happy unconditionally, how to cherish the precious life that we are given.
I held her once as a baby, and never before had I been so scared; holding her in the wrong position could've been so hazardous to her. For years I watched my sister raise her, and love her; I just watched and admired how she could do it and make it seem so easily.
We live everyday wondering what we can do for our futures, and establish for ourselves and never stop to think who else in this world may be waiting for us to stop in our steps and look around to see all that we are missing.
Helping others should come unconditionally, if you asked me how this little girl helped me-
my answer:
she smiled at me, and made my day a little brighter
Simple as that, she struggles yes; but she has never stopped smiling. She will cry in pain, struggle to stand, but never once did she fall and stay down. Her motivation comes from within and her strength pulls on everyone, she is a warrior fighting for a reason to get back up.
I've always wanted to do something for this little girl; but currently all I want to do is share her page, share her story, and let everyone know.
EVERLY MOUA - is more than your average little girl; she is going to dominate Epilepsy and she is going to be laughing and smiling forever because we love her and I hope all of you will too.