Having taken out the color doesn't necessarily mean that everything is lifeless, and dull- looking at everything from a different perspective is actually a plus on your half.
In greyscale, what makes something to the point where we only see black and white but truthfully there is no black and black its really all grey. The grey spots simply falls on the darker or lighter sides of the scale that we create for ourselves.
Add some darker tints allow it to be deep grey, and add some lighter tints and it almost carries a whiter essence to it.
I had the joy of working with a photographer from Sacramento California (JonahVangPhotography) and he managed to get this shot of me and after receiving it - I was touched rather deeply not by the portrait of myself but rather that this image was like a canvas.
Blur the lines and fade it into the background, life is like this image of no color. There is no define line for anything, we ourselves make our rules and we ourselves decide on our worth.
I am standing in the foreground, does that make me the focus of all the things around me? in this portrait perhaps but there will be times when I am not the focus, when others are the focus when the trees behind me will not be faded but rather flourishing with life.
A grey-scale is a meter, with a scale that we create for ourselves. Dim the lights out of the color- and just enjoy that through all this madness really we can just enjoy the simplicity of how everything falls together.
With Regards,