Friday, February 21, 2014

Plastic Bottles

Funny incident occurred today when I had a little dispute with a good old' friend of mines. He says he liked writing poems, I didn't doubt this one bit but I did know I've never heard one of his.
He made a video of himself reading a poem about "Plastic", in reference to a plastic bottle is like a girl.
The poem itself covered many things, how the girl starts out and how she changes through her influences from others, and really this comparison is one I have yet to think of.

Woman or girls we really are like plastic bottles, but my thought process a little different from his.
The only way to technically reshape a plastic bottle is to burn it, and that is one of the many way to throw it away and destroy it so it becomes a different form of matter.
Regardless this made me think that maybe in life woman should be like that, we look clear, fragile and can be filled up with anything very easily (let it be sweets or bitter moments) but in the end it is only ourselves that make us whom we are.
What makes us this plastic is what keeps us so strong and because plastic is recyclable, woman have those thoughts on how they can change into different things and people, but in reality we are all still the same.

We are Plastics. 

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