Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Suicide Awareness, I'm a survivor

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and outdoor
Smile, laugh and make the best of every moment you're given. 

You hit rock bottom, its okay now you can get back on your feet. 
You got judge for who you are, its okay there are still people who love your presence. 
You feel pressured by life, its okay keep striving Rome wasn't built in one day. 
Life's bumpy, obstacles happen, no one is always happy but keep smiling- keep striving because even if we are strangers I'll tell you one thing from experience:
Your live matters, your laugh is beautiful, your passion, perseverance and everything about you is out of this world captivating.

Yes, I'm a survivor. Who isn't, who doesn't fight to survive. Stay strong, if no one listens write it down, cry it out, run it off - fight because you are not alone.

Love, LiXmei

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Joy of Life

Joy of Life 

Orange Juice, and a splash of champagne/wine mixed in with some cherry.
Perhaps that's just a mimosa. 
Delicate, sweet, and smooth.

A joy in life, can be something that simple though-
delicate, sweet but oh so content.

Seek, find, and retrieve. 

-02.2017 BRUNCH-