"I'm crazy, and I don't pretend to be anything else."
- Calvin Klein
Some one once asked me to describe myself in one word, I would have to think long and hard but I think now if I had to use one word I would choose:
I have this motor in me, that is always scared of new changes in myself and in my life but at the same time I have the gears that are always telling me it's okay to make changes and for me to challenge myself until I am fully confident I've found something I love and truly wish to continue experiencing.
They, in reference to family/friends/or new strangers I run into.
They asked me once, "How far do you wish to go with this/ How did you stumble upon this?"
My reply: I am simply doing something I love. I enjoy it. It takes commitment, but it's me.
I am not doing it for others, I am doing it for me- for others views and remarks are just there to built me with their constructive criticism.
One day, it may end and I may fall in love with something more stable but for now I like being a little crazy, and a little adventurous just wanting to move forward in my life and trying to find a new set in stone goal for myself.
I have school.
I have family.
I let go of a relationship, but
I have friends.
Most importantly, I need to have myself.
Crazy-but just enough to make survival my inner drive for this burning passion I have.
Dear loves, just do what you enjoy the most.
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