My title today, only has one word... did you notice that. That photo above, what do you see?
I came up with a few possibilities:
It could be... a rose petal on a leaf laying on the group after a rain shower
It could be... the end of a ribbon being dragged across the wet ground
or...what do you think?
Envision something like this...envision how others see things differently. We live in a world that vision is dominant now, but how we all see it differs with judgement.
Precise vision, is known as 20/20...I don't have good vision but abstract never hurts. Plus a more colorful imagination always makes the world a little better right?
Remember when we were all children, and we thought our parents were so tall and that we'd never be that tall? Well, how about now...I'm already looking down at my parents. But it makes my thoughts as a child all the more interesting.
My point is, Vision changes with age and time..but that item we see never changes it's how we envision it that changes it.