Thursday, September 29, 2016

Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened. (Dr.Suess)

Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened. 
-Dr. Suess 

We all meet ups and downs in our lives. Sadly, there isn't much we can do when we meet with multiple downs. I don't look down on crying but when it boils down to it after the shower you just have to find a rainbow. 
Can't find a rainbow, no worries you are capable of creating one for yourself. 

Steps to making your own rainbow after the flood of tears:

1. Clear your vision (heart, soul, mind- find a moment of peace)
2. Take a deep breathe ( the kind that you can feel lift off your shoulders) 
3. SMILE (force it if you must but just know that its going to help)

Congratulations, look you have a rainbow now on your face. 

Now, move forward and strive for a new goal.

This post essentially is not only for me but for anyone who may stumble upon it too. We are vulnerable to our emotions and I am not saying you should ever bottle up but quite honestly from experience I know it never goes well. 
Just know that you are not alone and there are more people in this world suffering perhaps from the same things you are or worse. 

I tell myself every time I am reminiscing a certain individual, thinking about certain memories or just having a bad day (week, month yea.. ya know) that I have to look up because look back or looking down won't lead me anywhere but to where I didn't want to be obviously because I allowed myself to walk away.

Walking away from the negative, the bad takes a lot of strength and courage. So if you know someone who is struggling just give them a smile, share your rainbow and know that you can't always cry because something you once loved so dearly is over but rather smile because it did really happen and in the jist of the moment you loved every second of it. 

<3 Love Always,
Lxm (09.2016) 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

After the sunset

After the sunset, I'll only remember how much it hurt and not the actual experience.

I've worked hard on myself trying to make me a better individual, not for others but for me. I act carefully so I don't hurt those around me but little was I ready for anything that approached me this year. 

The level of pain I've gained from this year's stress alone was unbearable, had two anxiety attacks and thought I'd be completely at a lost. Then from no where I came across a care-free soul.

Have I never had a carefree individual come into my life? sure, I have they are everywhere. Just one like this one had never appeared so suddenly. I am open to meet new individuals but never to go out of way to this extent. 

I love new experience, and being a little crazy this year was on my list. I didn't expect to fall as deep as I did; didn't expect to feel all the empty-ness that I fought through.

So, 2016 was a mash up of a lot of fun and total hell. Funny story is that it's not even over yet; the stress is building on and on now day by day. Hopefully after this year I can just get back to focusing on whatever I wanted to do originally. 

When the original plan does not work, there is always a plan B. 
Besides, after a good nights sleep I shouldn't be thinking about these infamous memories anymore. 

Thank you though, for allow me to see just how crazy I can be. I never knew I had it in me, you changed me as an individual and I couldn't appreciate it more. 
