Friday, October 27, 2017

. S o m e w h e r e . S o m e h o w . S o m e d a y .

S o m e w h e r e :

I once wandered through my days thinking of all the places I could be but here. 
I struggled like anyone else trying to find peace at heart, an answer that was at point blank distance yet I always missed.
Searching nights restlessly hoping one day I'd have the answers I ponder hours for, yet here I am still wondering if I ever needed to worry for all the little matters to weigh me down for the years to come. 
The answer is...  No. 

S o m e h o w: 
No one held my hands when I fought myself through my darkest time,
I never wished nor wanted for that to get in the way of my relations with others. 
Yet, today I am here standing on my own two feet - still asking myself if things would have been different would I have set aside my own strengths and indulged in my weaknesses. 
Others ask of guidance, some ask for a reference and today I am asking if  I would truly change any of my past decisions. 
The answer is... No. 

S o m e d a y: 
In legends, and fairy tales there are exciting events and happy endings. 
But in between alike there are increments of sadness, remorse, anger, and regret. 
In life someday, I just want to be able to look back at my life and smile not in defeat but with contentment. 
Compliment myself for the path I did choose. Embrace who I have become, and someday even tell myself - " you made it." 
With time drifting I find life all the more beautiful.
There are ugly moments, but I know now it was only a moment. 
There are memories I still shed tears for, but I know now they were worth every second. 

Someday, Somehow, Somewhere : 
I reflect upon my deepest desires to fight with my greatest fears. 
Celebrating my growth through my passion, ambitions, and dreams. 


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